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Terms and Conditions

The following Terms of Use is a legal contract between an individual user and Total Removals Ltd regarding the use of your website and services. Please update these guidelines according to your specific policies.

Terms & Conditions

If you do not elect to extend our contractual liability in respect of goods in transit/storage then your effects will only be covered by our standard liability cover (maximum of £40.00 per item). If you pay our charges and request us to extend our contractual liability, then for the purpose of removals and/or storage your effects will be covered on an indemnity basis (not new for old), subject to the conditions on the acceptance of our quotation to a maximum of £50,000 per removal/consignment.

In pursuance of certain claims, Total Removals or their Agents may need to request that the Claimant gives a full statement of complaint to the appropriate Police Authority. Whereas if the allegation involves one of theft, or the circumstances clearly indicate a serious possibility of a theft having occurred, then the claimant will be required to include an allegation of this formality when making the statement of complaint. In such circumstances, the Claimant's full co-operation is required with their statement and any subsequent investigations in order to validate the claim.

1. ANY CLAIM MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING to our branch as over-leaf within 7 days of the date upon which item(s) involved in the claim leave our control.

2. If, at the time of any loss destruction or damage by a covered Peril, the property covered shall be collectively of greater value than the Sum covered then the customer shall be considered as being his own insurer for the difference and shall bear a rateable share of the loss accordingly.

3. When any item consists of articles in a pair, set or suite this liability will not pay more than the value of any particular part or parts which may be lost destroyed or damaged without reference to any special value which such article may have as part of such pair, set or suite, nor more than a proportionate part of the covered value of such pair, set or suite.

4. Total Removals Ltd may at any time after loss or damage take and keep possession of the property affected and deal with the salvage.

5. If any claim shall be in any respect fraudulent or any devices be used by the customer or anyone acting on their behalf to obtain any benefit under this policy or if any loss destruction or damage be.

6. Total Removals will have the right to either repair (without compensation) , replace or compensate if any article(s) are damaged.

This extended liability shall not apply to nor include:
(1) Loss destruction or damage to:
(i) Wines, spirits and tobacco products except whilst carried or stored in the course of a household removal.
(ii) Manuscripts or other documents other than for the cost of writing up, to a maximum any one manuscript or document of £100.
(iii) Jewellery, Watches, Gold, Platinum, Precious stones, Deeds, Bonds, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Money and securities for Money, Stamps.
(iv) Mobile phones, iPods and any other hand held devices over £100.00.
(v) Plants.
(vi) Individual items packed by Customers in trunks, cases, furniture, drawers or any other Receptacle unless such items have been previously listed and disclosed and the standard of packing approved by the Contractor.

(2) Loss, destruction, death or injury to living creatures.

(3) Loss or damage caused where goods have been packed by you or others with inadequate protection.

(4) Loss or damage if goods are removed or delivered to unattended or unoccupied premises or where third parties are present.

(5) Loss or damage caused by vermin or other infestations.

(6) Any loss or damage arising from wear and tear, gradual deterioration (including contents of deep freeze units), mildew or rust (except where shown to be directly related to flooding or other ingress of water) moth, vermin, any process of cleaning, repairing or restoring, climatic or atmospheric causes, leakage of liquid from any receptacle or container.

(7) Internal mechanical or electrical derangement of domestic or electrical appliances unless related external physical damage has occurred or unless the derangement has occurred as a result of fire derailment collision or overturning of the conveyance.

(8) Loss destruction or damage directly occasioned by pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.

(9) Loss or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising from or any consequential loss or any legal liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or component thereof.

(10) Loss destruction or damage caused by or arising from war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not) military or usurped power, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, civil war, confiscation or requisition or destruction or damage by order of any government or other officials or authorities, nor riots and civil commotion occurring in Northern Ireland and/or the Republic of Ireland.

(11) loss or damage once goods have been handed over to a third party (another removal company, storage company, freight forwarder or contractor of any kind)

(12) loss or damage to goods that have previously been packed by another removal company or shipped from abroad.

(13) Loss or damage to goods whereby the customer has assisted in the loading/unloading of effects

(14) By normal wear and tear, natural or gradual deterioration, leakage or evaporation or from perishable or unstable goods.

(15) For electrical or mechanical derangement to any appliance, instrument, clock, computer or other equipment unless there is evidence of related external damage.

(16) For any goods which have a pre-existing defect or are inherently defective and self-assembly furniture.

You agree,


A To be present or represented throughout the removal to ensure that nothing that should be removed is left behind and nothing is taken away in error;

B To arrange proper protection for goods left in unoccupied or unattended premises or where other people such as tenants or workmen are or will be present. If you fail to protect your goods we shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from such failure;

C Not to offer for removal or storage jewellery, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, hand held computers, cam recorders, digital cameras, and sunglasses over the value of £50.00. deeds, securities, stamps or coins (or similar collections of any kind), plants and animals. We do not accept liability for any claims for loss or damage to these items if they are placed in our care or custody. Please make alternative transport or storage arrangements for such items;

D Not to offer for removal anything which is dangerous, damaging or explosive, or anything, including food, likely to encourage vermin or other pests.

E To empty and defrost refrigerators and freezers and to make alternative transport arrangements for their contents. We shall not be liable for damage to any freezer or its contents which results from the freezer or refrigerator being moved partially or fully loaded, nor for any illness or deterioration in such contents resulting from a change in temperature.

F To pay for any parking or meter suspension charges which we incur whilst carrying out work for you and to arrange adequate parking at both collection & delivery points.

G If we disconnect or re-connect washing machine or dishwasher it is done without liability. It is essential the appliance is tested by you on completion of the work for any leaks or malfunction as we cannot be held responsible for any consequential damage. You must also check for leaks when washing machine or dishwasher is removed and or/re-connected at delivery

H To arrange for the lift in new/old property to be protected by managing agents and to arrange for lift key to be available for our staff. If lift is out of use then we reserve the right to charge additional extra charges for longer hours and /or additional staff resources

I To ensure pets, children (16 years and under) are properly supervised and kept away from removal equipment and working areas.

J To ensure that all furniture & effects delivered has been placed so that it is not endangering young or vulnerable persons. This may mean securing furniture such as chest of drawers or bookcases to wall(s) where floors are uneven.

K To inform all members of family and newly arriving guests of the potential hazards of tripping and falling when floor protectors have been used.

L Take all reasonable steps to ensure that nothing that should be removed is left behind and nothing is taken away in error.

M Prepare adequately and stabilise all appliances or electric equipment prior to their removal.

N Other than by reason of our negligence or breach of contract we will not be liable for any loss or damage, costs or additional charges that may arise from failure to discharge these responsibilities.

By entering into this agreement you guarantee that:
1. The goods to be removed and/or stored are your own property, or

2. The person(s) who own or have an interest in them have given you authority to make this contract and have been made aware of these conditions.

3. You will pay us for any claim for damages and/or costs brought against us. If either warranty 1 or 2 is not true.

Because third party contractors are frequently present at the time of collection or delivery our liability for loss or damage is limited as follows:
1. If we cause loss or damage to premises or property other than goods for removal as a result of our negligence or breach of contract, our liability shall be limited to making good the damaged area only.

2.If we cause damage as a result of moving goods under your express instruction, against our advice, and where to move the goods in the manner instructed is likely to cause damage, we shall not be liable.

3. If we are responsible for causing damage to your premises or to property other than goods submitted for removal and/or storage, you must note this on the worksheet or delivery receipt as soon as practically possible or within a reasonable time.

1. Other than by reason of our negligence or breach of contract, we will not be liable for delays in transit.

2. If through no fault of ours we are unable to deliver your goods, we will take them into store. the Agreement will then be fulfilled and any additional service(s), including storage and delivery, will be at your expense.

1. We reserve the right to sub-contract some or all of the work.

2. If we sub-contract, then these conditions will still apply.

This contract is subject to the law of the country in which the office of the company issuing this contract is situated.

1. If you send goods to be stored, you must provide and address for correspondence and notify us if it changes. All correspondence and notices will be considered to have been received by you seven days after sending it to your last address recorded by us.

2. If you do not provide an address or respond to our correspondence or notices, we may publish such notices in a public newspaper in the area to or from which the goods were removed. Such notice will have been considered to have been received by you seven days after the publication date of the newspaper. NOTE: If we unable to contact you, we will charge you any costs incurred in establishing you whereabouts.

If payments are up to date, we will not end this contract except by giving you three months notice in writing. If you wish to terminate your storage contract, you must give us at least 10 working days notice (working days refer to the normal working week of Monday to Friday and excludes weekends and Public holidays). If we can release the goods earlier, we will do so, provided that your account is paid up to date. Charges for storage are payable to the date when the notice should have taken effect.

If our charges are not paid, any goods in our possession or custody will be removed to store and retained until payment is made.

(Lien means the right to hold property until a debt is paid in full). We shall a general or particular Lien upon all goods in our possession for all money you owe us or for expenses incurred by us and for payments we make on your behalf. We shall be entitled to charge warehouse rent and all other expenses whilst we maintain a Lien of the goods.

Extended Liability for your move
Unless otherwise agreed with you in writing in advance or as stated, if we are negligent or in breach of contract we will pay a maximum of £50,000 per consignment (combined value of all goods carried) of repairing or replacing that item; or B We may choose to repair or replace any of the damaged articles. If an article is repaired to a reasonably satisfactory standard no liability will be accepted for depreciation in value.


Cancellation or postponement
If the removal is cancelled or postponed before moving day 50% of the removal charges will be due. If the move is cancelled on the moving day then all charges will be levied in full as well as additional removal costs at future date.

Unpacking of boxes
Please note that unless agreed in writing we do not undertake unpacking of your effects. An unpacking service can be provided on request.



We may use subcontractors for specific aspects of the work to be completed.

Complaints Policy

London Total Removals always endeavours to provide the best service for every customer. However, on rare occasions, there may be times where a customer may not be completely satisfied. To ensure the business is able to put things right as soon as possible, please read our complaints procedure below. The business will then be able to respond promptly to ensure complete satisfaction.

As soon as possible after the completion of the works, please inspect the work to ensure everything has been carried

out based on the contract terms and the high standards the business aims to achieve.

In the unlikely event there is anything you are not completely satisfied with, please contact the business as soon so the

problems can be rectified as soon as possible.


Our Procedure

Either call, email or write* to us. The business aims to respond within 5 days of receiving your complaint and where

possible, will provide you with a date to remedy any issues raised.


Where the business is unable to resolve your complaint using the business complaints procedure, as a Which? Trusted

Trader we use Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event that the business cannot

remedy your complaint to your satisfaction you may wish to refer your complaint to them. If you wish to do so please

contact Which? Trusted traders in the first instance on 0117 456 6031.


*please request proof of receipt if posting


Neil Lyall
Total Removals Ltd


Customer's Signature

020 8367 8348

28 The Coppice, Enfield, EN2 7BX

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©2021 by Total Removals Ltd, 28 The Coppice, Enfield, EN2 7BX 

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London Total Removals Ltd is a trading name of Total Removals Ltd. Registered in England & Wales.

Company Registration Number 04109912

VAT Number 778216401

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